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Thank you for joining us at Seattle School Connect 2023! As we explore constructive discussions on the art of discourse with thought leaders from The Seattle School community and special guests, we look forward to building relationships grounded in humility and hospitality.


The lineup of 6 weekly live conversations airs on Fridays at 5:00pm PT, September 29 through November 3. For more information on the schedule and conversations, please see the event page. Look for a pre-recorded introductory video arriving in your email one week before each live conversation. 

Free Registration: Registration is FREE and open to all! Free registration provides access to the live conversations and the introductory pre-recorded videos.  

Extended Access: If you can’t make it to the live conversations, or if you’d like more time to re-watch the content, purchase Extended Access for $35 by November 3, 2023. Video recordings from Seattle School Connect 2023 will be accessible until March 31, 2024.


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